Thursday, January 20, 2011

Web 2.0 Applications

You have used different Web 2.0 applications to write such as blogs, word processors, email, social networks, etc. What has been the role of these Web 2.0 applications in the development of your writing competence? Write at least 200 words. Follow the guidelines to write a good essay.


Camilo Restrepo said...
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Natalia Henao said...
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Natalia Henao said...

The Role of Web 2.0 Applications in the development of my writing competence.

All the technology offers us many possibilities to be informed, to be in contact with other people, it allows us doing things easier and faster but specially to improve. I have to accept that technology has bad things and good things so in this essay I want to talk about the role that web 2.0 Applications had played in the development of my writing competence.

The main purpose when I began to write using different web 2.0 Applications such as blogs, word, processors, email etc was improve my writing in English, it is clear, but really it was? I can say that absolute I had improve my English a lot; I feel it, because now I can write essays, answers for question, or things related with blogs and social network faster.
Web 2.0 Applications have allowed organizing my ideas in a different way, keeping a structure, managing the time and with more access to information. I think is more easier when you turn on the computer or go to a cyber and you review your email account or blog and you see a question to answer and with only a click you share your information or your answer with the classmates and the teacher.
I have acquired vocabulary because when I have to use these kinds of applications, my classmates can see and review my essays or my information and when they think that there are some mistakes of grammar, cohesion, etc they can say me or even give me their opinion.

Technology opens the door to a different learning, an independent interaction of the time and the space. With it we can experience the development of learning skills that we do not know or we have not implemented yet.
My experience with Web applications have been enriching for my study, for generating better results about my learning process and even to be connected with the world creating new ways to acquire knowledge.

Camilo Restrepo said...

My development of writing competence based on Web 2.0 applications

Nowadays we have a lot of access to tons of information and to develoment tools, we have to understand how to use it correctly in order to benefit our skills in writing. This is how I do it.

Firstly, I use Facebook in english. If I am in a known enviroment, the long time I spent in Facebook reading common things in english I can internalize many things while I am having fun, comunicating and sharing experiences.
I have some friends whom only speak english also, adn facebook in one way to keep in touch with them. So I have the oportunity to practice and learn a lot from them while I make stronger relationships.

Then, we have the blogs. Which is giving a big experience to the world and also making connections through the world. The good thing about them is that they have two parts: the part one is the person writing it and the by the other side is somebody reading it. This is great, in blogs you can find many things and usually without common limitations of web sites. And If you read it in english (anyway most of them are in this language) you will be able to find a lot of useful things.

To finish, we have the text processors online (g-docs) and offline (word) which are often used by any university student to do their projects, homework, essays and that stuff. They are simply nice because I am not lazy to write using them, is fast and very easy to correct any mistake.

The web 2.0 applications are making a new era in the world, the best thing we can do is go developing ourselves with this, they are really useful in our diary life.

English class Saint Catherine Labouré said...

I have to use different Web 2.0 applications to write such as blogs, word processors, email, social networks, when I cannot understand some text or I have to write in the class blog.

The technology for me is very important, because it allows that our process can have more outputs and so we knows more things about the all the world. Before I did not know about how use the blog and I could not use their services, I have to work harder and learning those new words.

The role of these Web 2.0 applications in the development of my writing competence have been that I have often had to look for words to make my essays, this way I can learn new vocabulary and I can improve these words. Maybe this often has helped me with my workshops,
In our class we use the email in English so we are forced to read and understanding what says there. I think that these applications always can help us, because there are many ways for using it and doing that these tools are useful for us.
The principal role for me, is knows how we can learn about this and the way how we implement this knowledge in our writing competence.

Ricardo Muñoz said...

Internet application

If we look back at past, we'll see our ancestors used tapes and they even can get some resources for working on their English language.
So, we need to realise we're so fortunate our communication’s barrier even exist, those shits such as facebook, and so on are so useful.
Nowadays technology gives us an important help in our learning process about a foreign language, but the problem now is what should I do to get some foreign friends to help me out in my learning process?
Now there are many places in internet in order to get along with anyone, but it's reliable?
There are many people in the world, but you need to know how to find ‘em.
So, we have to do what we do in Spanish, we look for friends at sites which contains things we appreciate nut in English language, it takes time, but it’s grateful because we’ll speak in a foreign language with people with same interests and we’ll get along with them with confidence and it’s easily talk about something.
If we want to learn a foreign language, we must have contact with the place which it develops; I think it’s the highest requirement in this kind of learning for the love of it.

So guys, have a nice vacations, we deserve it very well.

Dianis said...

Different Web 2.0 applications to write such as blogs, word processors, email, social networks, etc. these process have helped me to learn different process for develop my competences and I learned how make the essay, for me the competence more important that These process have helped is when I do the essays because the essays at the beginning I can’t write a good essay, I wrote my essay but I had many questions for write it I don’t have clear the ideas and I repeated many words and I can’t do a good structure, but the teacher did that the essays were a funny exercise and day after day I could learn to do essays and I enjoyed do it.
In the blog is a method very dynamic because we are in a world where technology is a way for that we have a funny English class and we think that our English class is like if we are in a social page and these is very enjoy because English class has permit me that with these process day after day have better my process to learn English like a second languages.

edinson eduado pabon said...

nowadays technologgy is playing an important role in the dayly lives of everyone, we can learn a lot of things just by clcking on the screen and all the information we want, suddenly will appear in front of our faces. This way any kind of searching becomes easier to do, this is why I thhink that the use of these programs helped me to improve my vocabulary and the way i should write because i could find out that when I write,I must at the same time, keep in mind the rules I`ve got to follow to make what I write somethig logical and well strctured, but even so,I think that it´s not for me a custome to use web.2.0 or any other web program, because I believe that the use of programs like this one, have almost destroyed the investagation spirit, but they are exelent tools due to I learned how to apply this program an how to take advantage of it.

diegomorillo said...

I think that we can take advantage of something if we are able to use them in the right way.Technology has done too much damage intead of benefits becausethe man has not known how to use it.It offers us many possivilities but we rather waste our time doing other things.In this case, i think that we should be more ancious and think more in ourself, we should point our attention on a goal and the technology should be taken as a tool which can help us to achieve this objective. It is curious that now ,when is easier to learn we prefer to do other things. Mankind has over come creating and we have forgotten of the overcoming. We have evolved of the worm but still there is some of it inside of us.
I agree with all the teachind methodes but it has made of people something lazy.The european academies have being concious of comunication matters in the teaching of foreing languages.

Julian's English III Writing Project said...

Web 2.0 Applications
New technologies want it or not are part of our lives now; we must to adapt them to our daily activities such as studying, working and having fun, they are very useful tools and there’s a variety of these according to the different needs that we have.
Now, in the process of learning a second language these technologies are very helpful too; in my personal case it’s been important the use of these tools in my learning process, especially in writing because the applications I’ve been using in class throughout the whole semester are based on writing, this means that I’ve been practicing and practicing and obviously this has helped me a lot to improve my writing skills and I’ll keep using it.
Finally, I can say that maybe, for some people including myself these new technologies were not the first options at the time of learning or practicing a second language but now is different, times have changed and we must to adapt ourselves to that because if not, we’re going to stay behind; so, if there are such tools let’s use them, let’s make them part of our lives and not only these but others existing in the market. So, use them, I’ll do.

cristian said...

do i have to post my essay into my own blog or just paste here!!!!!

jonhdrocks said...

The human being has always been in the pursuit of knowledge and a better lifestyle. Nowadays, we have technologies to reach easily those objetives; very different to those old generations that had to work so hard for them.

Applications such as word processors, e-mail, social networks and many more, allow us to know almost the wide world in a blink.

In my case, those applications have been very useful in my daily learning process, because I get support of them. For example, I always surf the web to listen to music, to keep in touch with relatives, to academic searchings and a lot of different necessities. For the old generations, to adquire such amount of knowledge, make investigations and so on about different places and cultures was impossible, and with out to mention about mail services.

So, it is on my mind and on my experiences the usefulness of those technologies; there are more benefits than negative facts.
Therefore, there are a lot of people that think more about negative facts than the positive ones, but I respect that.

Yurany's Group said...

Nowadays, the technology advances and also, the media to have easy access to in formation increases .Media like the Internet apart from facilitate us and give us the access to this information, they also allow the social relationships with people around the world through the social networks like Face book, Twitter, and others. With these social networks, we can meet many people and their cultures.
Are interesting for me this type of social media because talking with people from another country, I have the opportunity to test my knowledge about another language, in this case English or French.
This allows me to learn all kinds of expressions, vocabulary and bring near to the culture.
I think it helped me too much because to talk to people from other parts of the world, I can learn a lot of expressions and update more about communication in these places.
In my educational process also has been helpful because I learned a lot from my classmates and I learned to respect different opinions and points of view.
We must make sure about whom we are exchanging information and who we allow to see this because we don’t know when unscrupulous people use information to their advantage.

writing project yenny said...

I think the role of these web 2.0 applications in the development of my writing competence have been very important overall in my learning process, because every body know the technology importance today arround of the world and this activity help us to improve our writting level and all the habilities in general.

Firstly, i think that the interaction between clasmates have been funny because you can read the opinion from other classmate and, if you want, you can create controversy about he has writen and, these are the things that help you to improve every day. in adition for me to learn is not only to be in a class room with your teacher all the time, for me to learn is also to share what you think about whatever and, i think this method is a good way for saying your feelings and thoughts and, at same time you can learn many things.

In my personal case, many times i though that i wasn't able to write one essay but, whit this strategy i can know my capacity for writting what i want and, this was the most important role from this activity for me.

Another reason that i consider very important of this method is how do you make a good essay? this was a elemental factor in order to improve your skills.

Finally i can say this activity helped me to use better this tool so important in the life of human beings. " the technology"

laura bibiana said...


My role of this web 2.0applications in the development of my writing,I can say that has been a good exercise for me, because I learned a lot of things in this kind of wor, this bring me alot of help in my development of how to write a good essay, and olso how to have a good response for one ansewer, also i think that with this exercise I lerand how to use this kind of webs because before I never used this one and now I am happy because I feel that now I am not ignorant about this kind of tecnology, this exercise permit to me to know how to use these pages ,and I am very emotioned. Related with my proces of mi writing I fell that this one
improved, because before I could not to write good, and now I fell I
can write a good essay, because with the differents essay that i wrote, I can improved my writing everytime.for example, befeore when I wanted to write an essay I couldn't because in my mind it was not prepared for to do it, my mind was no so quickly, and now I can because for the practice in the blogs,this one help me to put my mind more preparedand to get ready more quickly for to do it an essay.
Since the moment in that I learnd my agility improved for to write, I can to express my ideas, and my feelings to diferents kind of questions and that require a good answers, and quicky responses.
I can say olso that my role was active, I felt very implicated in this exercise when I was confuse about how to use this kind of web always ask to my classmate and always a faind help this situation was very nice, this situation help me to improved every more, I liked so much.Olso this exercise permited to me increase my vocabulary and to be more concretize in my responses, and my ideas, and my feelings when I write.olso this intermediate permited that to have a good relation with my professor, because He help me ant to teach me a created a blogger, in the personal I am never could created one of this, oll the doudt and restlessness were resolveding instantaneously. moreoverthis help me in the redaction , inthe congruousy of the texs,that is to say to take the idea that what I want to express. In conclusion this kind of exercise was very interesting and very helpful, fruitful.

RODRIGO said...

Web 2.0 applications in the development of writing competence

Technology development has been very helpful to all who looking to get a little more knowledge and learning in a more interactive way. In the case of English learning process, Web 2.0 applications to write such as blogs, word processors, email, social networks among others, have been useful in the development of writing competence, because they allow a great interaction between students and a lot of information that they can share with other people around the world that use English as a tool to communicate. In this way, we can learn many things about technology and how it can help us to improve our competence in the acquisition of English as a Second Language.
I have often used Web 2.0 applications, or at least, I’m in the process to know how it works. Because now that I have a laptop and internet in my house, I realize that it is a great way to learn more about English using blogs, email or social networks, to write my thoughts and questions or to learn how other people write in this language.
I access many applications that allow me to learn in a more simple and illustrative way, vocabulary, grammar, idioms and, sometimes to find the English in a real context for understanding better its use.

cristian said...

What’s the good help that internet and 2.0 applications have taken in my development of a second language process?

Internet and 2.0 aplications are one of the greatest tools of humanity and knowledge that we can find in this moment. It makes easier to share and gather all information we have or we want. Now we just spend few seconds trying to add or just to get all the things we are looking for.
In my case these opportunities have make me feel confident when i’m writting, sometimes i know, some friends can correct and tell me all mistakes i have, and it makes me know how i am becoming a better second languages speaker. As a knowledge source it has been great the creation of tecnology because of those facts that makes our writting, reading ad speaking program a really good way to go on with.
Well and for entertainment this is awesome, we can talk to our feriends even if they are really far away or just in every moment or second we want, i mean we can have new friends and in fact we can share more with those we don’t see fecuently. So for having fun and getting new knowledge it’s the best thing we can find the internet and 2.0 aplications. Doesn’t it make me sense? Does it?

cristian said...

What’s the good help that internet and 2.0 applications have taken in my development of a second language process?

Internet and 2.0 aplications are one of the greatest tools of humanity and knowledge that we can find in this moment. It makes easier to share and gather all information we have or we want. Now we just spend few seconds trying to add or just to get all the things we are looking for.
In my case these opportunities have make me feel confident when i’m writting, sometimes i know, some friends can correct and tell me all mistakes i have, and it makes me know how i am becoming a better second languages speaker. As a knowledge source it has been great the creation of tecnology because of those facts that makes our writting, reading ad speaking program a really good way to go on with.
Well and for entertainment this is awesome, we can talk to our feriends even if they are really far away or just in every moment or second we want, i mean we can have new friends and in fact we can share more with those we don’t see fecuently. So for having fun and getting new knowledge it’s the best thing we can find the internet and 2.0 aplications. Doesn’t it make me sense? Does it?

Gigi's Project said...

The role of these Web 2.0 applications in the development of my writing competence is very important nowadays because we must be aware of the technology as time goes by, beside it is another excellent alternative which we can have as well as dictionary (book). We find a lot of website about how we can learn English from basic English to high level and the same way, we must sometimes visit them and we don’t have any doubts about words, idioms, grammatically etc.

As to the social networks, blogs, emails etc, I may say that I have learned a lot of words, expressions because I have talked by msn with some friends that they live in the foreign and they use it, so I like and it is engrave on my mind but to bear in mind because in the most cases we can be learning wrongs expressions grammatically but it is acceptable in informal conversations.

Finally, the most people we are much obliged with website, since we have a lot of tools for enrich one’s vocabulary every day and being aware of with the countries like United States or France de pending of the language that we prefer learning.

Anonymous said...

To write in English and to do a proper use of differents applications have been very important and essential in our process because when we write in these programs each one has the opportunity to share the information and to receive the classmates's comments about this. Also I consider to employ this resources allow to open your eyes and your mind to the new technology. In adittion I could say these techniques help to redact and to write much better.

Firstly, to share your ideas,comments, essays and works through these applications is something awesome and funny with out any doubt help us to improve the writing inasmuch as you write and you can at the same time receive the comments and opinions about your work. These kind of observations in the most of cases are helpful for your English process.

Secondly, To write with the applications's help not only facilitate to improve in the writing too contribute to spread the mind to the new technology and to use new methods for a class more dynamic. Through Web 2.0 applications I have discovered that there are many ways to do amazing classes.

Thirdly To write in these formats helps to improve the way of writing, For instance the last weeks I was writing in a word processors at the begining without spelling corrector but after that I finished my work I used it and I did some changes in my text because maybe It had mistakes in the grammar or spelling.

For all the reasons mentioned above I would draw a conclusion all the different Web 2.0 applications to write such as blogs, word processors, email, social networks have been a helpful tool for improving the writing in our English process. One way or another surely each one had a significant improvement this semester thanks to these applications.

Carula said...

teacher i posted in yesterday but it didnt appear today , so i will post again ...

The web 2.0 applications and my writing competence

The web 2.0 applications have been important tools in the development of my writing competence because these interactive programs, specifically the blog, allow us to express or blog what we think about the topic posted. When we read the posted comments of our classmates we can discover different ways of writing based on the same matter, therefore we find new words, grammar rules and structures that could be used in our following writing.

These applications transmit written information in a fast and effective way and the student can better the written skill easily.

With the help of these web 2.0 applications the process of improvement in the writing competence is constant and active, we try to do our best when an essay or a written assignment is established because we write about a topic we are interested in ,we avoid to commit past written mistakes and the grammar and syntaxes structures are better

When we share our post with a group of classmates the writing process advances faster because we improve the writing ability when we read and identify our classmate’s mistakes

The applications are accessible and easy to handle so if someone wants to improve the writing competence the technology is great helper.

cristian said...

I post my essay right here but i don't know y it isn't ....

Vico said...

The Role of Web 2.0 in my Writing Competence.
All the Web 2.0 applications help us in different ways, such as communicate, learn, teach, and have fun, in this case to the development and improve of our writing competence, taking a important role in this process, so in this essay I want to express how all this wonderful tools has help me with my doubts and unknown things in order to benefit our skills in writing.
Honestly I think that this applications has the 50% of my English knowledge, I remember that in my childhood my parents listening 80‘s music such as Michael Jackson, I always show more interest for music in English, but in my primary school the Nuns did not teach us English, so I discovered YouTube and all this pages of lyrics, I started to use with more love Office in my school and at home, MSN, Hotmail, Blogs, MySpace, Facebook, Wikis, Google… and I always look for strengthen every new knowledge with this tools.
Become in a Foreign Language student is one of the best choices that I made in my life, I discovered that in all are a way to learn, and the age of technology are the best for a student of this career and there is not any excuse to not learn and improve our writing.

cristian said...

i'm so sorry i didn't get that essays appear at the bottom of the list..what a jerk