Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Your feelings about ESL writing

You have had different opportunities to write several short essays during this semester. How do you feel about writing in English at this point of your learning process? What are your strengths as an ESL writer? What aspects of ESL writing do you think you need to improve?


cristian said...
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cristian said...

well how do i feel about my English writting process?---- i think it's a good way how i've been learning some new words and how i can show and express all the ideas that flow inside my head. that's the reason why i have really enjoied doing all these sort of activities. My strengths are the vocabulary that i've learned and gathered and those ideas that i imagine when i want to begin a text. I need to improve on writting about other kind of texts, i mean something about culture or enviroment.

Ricardo Muñoz said...

well, it was really something, but i don't why I didn't have some ideas at time to writte, the prompts were weirds.

this process wasszzz .... ¿?

I think i've got an inprovement in my writting english, now i don't make several spelling mistakes and i think i can do a better estructure in english.

Of course there were some difficulties with the page because some buddys didn't comment others essays, anyway, it was enjoyful.

now i'm able to use more words in order to express my ideas, but always there is a diffculty.

I should improve another skills for the heck of it.

maybe i'll say something afterwards.

Natalia Henao said...

I have had a lot of opportunities to write some essays in english so Now I can say that I have learned many things about english, writting and specially of the life. I feel so good when someone says.... write an essay!! and I can do it, not in a perfect way but the most important is that I can do it, or write it. My strengths as an ESL writer are the few knowledge of language that I know, the mechanisms that I have developed to write an essay and the manage of the time.
I have a lot of things to improve.... for example the vocabulary for me is the most important, I have to improve my writing with it and the argumentation of ideas...:D

laura bibiana said...

In this learning process about writing in English I believe that this kaind of exercise is good because everybody learning new things especially who to write a good essay. For me, it was useful process because I learnt a lot of things about it. Maybe the work is harder but it has so many gratifications.

Carula said...

How do you feel about writing in English at this point of your learning process? What are your strengths as an ESL writer? What aspects of ESL writing do you think you need to improve?

i am improving in every aspect that refers to my english writing process, i think my strengths as an ESL writer are the capacity to creat interesting ideas about a topic and the fact to connect sentences in a syntactic harmony.

i need to use new vocabulary related to the essay i am working on ; also it is neccesary to use connectors, prepositions and grammatical elements to better my written speech

jonhdrocks said...

The writing process have been very interesting and useful.

I´m feeling very glad about this assignment because makes you effort to express ideas in a correct form and order.

My strengths are the amount of ideas that flow for each topic. I have the capacity to comment about a lot of subjects, but I´m very counsious that I´m not a wise and that I vave to learn more.

I need to improve acquiring more vocabulary. The other important thing to improve is to form correct paragraphs with all the specifications.

The writer learning process is an assignment that we have to keep by ourselves.

Camilo Restrepo said...

The first thing I may say is that now I feel very confortable with the structure of the essays in american style after the execises of corrections and the given intructions.
Now I think I am not afraif of what I am going to do when I got the prompt, because we have many estrategies to start writing and to develop a theme even if we don`t know everything about it.
I need to focus more in what I am being asked, to really answer the question; be more specific.
I enjoy very much writing now and get more confidence on that.

Dianis said...

Ok,I think that in the begining I had many difficults for do an essay, I hadn-t find differents strategies for do it. However I had tried to reconize the main idea and begin to write it, but I took many time for do it, I repited the ideas in the same essay over and over again, but in this moment I feel that I enjoy doing it. My strengths are that I writer faster an I understand the idea for beging to write the essay, I have key words and This permit me to do a good essay. I think that I need to improve have more vocabulary, I think that it is necessary because if you have a goos vocabulary, You can use many strategies for write an essay.

writing project yenny said...

first I have to say that at the begining all was very difficult for me but, I consider that if you enjoy what you do is more easy to reaiize what you want, I think the writting is not my major problem in the learning english process in comparison with another habilities and, in this moment I feel fine with my writting level but, I consider i have to improve every day. in relation with my strengths I think I have plenty of ideas to write about whatever topic. I consider i have to improve the ponctuation, the word order and in some cases verbal tenses.

finally I can say the best form to improve writting is the reading, all is a chain in this process and we should to know it to improve every day.

English class Saint Catherine Labouré said...

I feel well, during this semester I have learned more vocabulary, i can write my thougths not in the perfect way but the people can understand me. about my english learning process it has improved, but in writing I'm more or less, in pronuntiation i don't fell fine, I have a bad pronuntiation.
my strengths are fews, I have to improve in this aspect, I always have to search words for writing, i can understand a text when i read it, but when i have to write is how if I forget everything.
i must improve in the english gramatic, sometimes I don't remember where is the place for the words, my strong strength is the wishe for learning. other aspect is the personal study, if you don't work alone and if you don't worry for your owm process, you're freak out.....

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about writing in English at this point of your learning process? At this moment, my writing process is much better than the process at the begining. I feel that I have learned many things about the structure,key words, vocabulary and other things that help me to write a good essay.I also consider to write several essays has helped me to think faster due to the fact that I have to write the essay in only 30 minutes.

What are your strengths as an ESL writer? At the end of the semester, my major strength for writing an essay is to do a proper use of the structure.Also to write the main ideas in other piece of paper without doubts It help me to have a clair idea about the question.

What aspects of ESL writing do you think you need to improve? I think a Foreing languages student never finishes to learn every thing; for that reason I consider I must improve many things maybe in my mind the ideas aren't consolided like to argue an idea, to use more proper vocabulary I also to learn other that I don't know.

diegomorillo said...

The essay tests our strengths, we must give each one of our steps like we woould be in a war surrounded by the enemy,cauteously.The ideas have be like pillars and the pillars like strong foundations that hold the main idea.The best warrior achieves surviving because he knows the war shortcuts but i dont know the war very well and it is necessary suffer some injuries to consider myself a warrior.

Yurany's Group said...

I think that the writing in English is a good point in my learning procces because for example with the essays I have lerned new vocabulary and I could organize better my ideas.
Also, I think that my strengths as an ESL writer are for example
I have many good arguments and ideas when I need to make a essay.

But I think that I have to learn more grammar, vocabulary, and I need to leave the afraid to express my ideas to others.

RODRIGO said...

I think is very important to my learning process to improve about how i can to write better, then i felt very good with the opportunitie for writing in this blog. I could express my point of view about different items, and i knew my clasmates' point of view.
I was able to write some essays without a dictionary, i feel happy because i'm improve my learning process, slow, but i'm going to the end of this process.
I need to improve a lot about vacabulary and gramar and the essays structre.

Julian's English III Writing Project said...

well, I think, it`s very important to improve the writing and we`ve been writing throughout the freaking whole semester, so I feel great about it. this process has helped me to improve severals aspects of my learning like acquire new vocabulary, grammatical structures and to write faster. My strenghts I think are essentially the vocabulary I have and previous knowledge about certain subject. And finally I consider that I must improve basically the design of a plan just before writing, to acquire more vocabulary, the speed of writing and to be more organized myself at the time of writing.

Gigi's Project said...

Well,i think that i have felt good because it's a writting process where we are learning some instructions , besides i have learning new vocabulary about topic that we are doing in differents essays, so im really confortable with this process but i know that i have to improve yet.I have to improve my vocabulary, prepositions and grammar and organizing my ideas when im gonna write to some topic.