Thursday, November 11, 2010

Peer-Reviewing Experience

Last week, you had the chance to peer-review the essay of one of your classmates. That was probably the first time you had the chance to read, comment, and revise the work of a person with whom you normally share the academic life. Assess this peer-review activity, providing arguments and examples to support your reflections. Your response should certainly address the following questions (but not limited to them): a) How difficult was it for you to critique your classmate’s paper? b) What did you learn from the process you followed to review the paper? c) What did you learn from your classmate’s revision of your own paper?


Yurany's Group said...


It was complicate because all of us have point of view different, our personality is different and we grew up in different contexts for that in these cases in important to learn to respect an to share the thoughts of the others. In my case, when I checked my classmate’s paper it was not so difficult because I’m very comprehensive and I know to respect to my friends and Natta is my friend and I love her and I know how is she; I better say I love you all.


I learned to organize better my ideas because in my essay, the thoughts were “a little” MESSY”…and I considered the Natta’s recommendation. She said me that my ideas were excellent but I had to organize them so I review again the essay and she has all the reason. For my, it is a constructive criticize because it teaches me to analyze and to made better my thoughts and my arguments.
Also I think that I must to use other vocabulary, for example to use more synonyms or complex vocabulary for advancing in Learning English.


I learned too much because the Natta’s paper was very beautiful, she has the ideas more organized, she uses synonyms in the essay and the most important for her is that “she needs people in her live that contribute to her developing in a good way, people that share with her the most important moments, people that be able to give all for her, people that teach all the things that they known and can help her to grow as persons and she can trust in them always”. I like when she said that the friends are like a brothers and sisters because sometimes our friends become important people in our lives that we consider them like our family and my relationship with my sister is like a friends; “best friends.

Dianis said...
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Dianis said...

a) How difficult was it for you to critique your classmate’s paper?

never had the opportunity to see my classmate’s essay, but I had the opportunity read Gigi’s essay and I think the mayor difficult was that I did know if was correct or not do something corrections because I did know if I had mistakes or really she was had mistakes in her essay.

b)What did you learn from the process you followed to review the paper?

I learn that when I read it I didn’t understand something words or ideas, so I get a dictionary and I begin to recognize words and I did like an analyst and it permitted to see the classmate’s point of view with others words and I learn that there are many forms for say the same idea.

C)c) What did you learn from your classmate’s revision of your own paper?

I learn to recognize different point of view when my classmate chose her person and I learn that although everybody are friends everyone have a preference with the type of person that they want like friend.

Dianis said...

a) How difficult was it for you to critique your classmate’s paper?

never had the opportunity to see my classmate’s essay, but I had the opportunity read Gigi’s essay and I think the mayor difficult was that I did know if was correct or not do something corrections because I did know if I had mistakes or really she was had mistakes in her essay.

b)What did you learn from the process you followed to review the paper?

I learn that when I read it I didn’t understand something words or ideas, so I get a dictionary and I begin to recognize words and I did like an analyst and it permitted to see the classmate’s point of view with others words and I learn that there are many forms for say the same idea.

C)c) What did you learn from your classmate’s revision of your own paper?

I learn to recognize different point of view when my classmate chose her person and I learn that although everybody are friends everyone have a preference with the type of person that they want like friend.

edinson eduado pabon said...

I think this exercice was an example of how good was it to myself when my partner reviewed my ideas, because it helped me to understand and identify my weak point at the moment of writing, I think that some times I tend to translate all the words I got in my mind and that´s something I´d been doing so far, so it taught me to look out and nail down what I write about, more over, it was also the opportunity to accept my own mistakes. In addition I felt confortable at giving suggestios to my friends instead lying to them, in fact we are human beings and some times we need the critical point of view of others to improve our skills.

Camilo Restrepo said...

a) I felt very weird with the things I wrote in Cristian´s blog because I haven´t have the oportunity to do anything like that before in english. I am a student of the lenguage and is a big challenge try to find what is possibly going wrong with a text like this. But took this challenge makes me strive to do my best and that is a nice way to learn more.

b) You have to be very careful of what are you reading and what is the purpouse of the exercise, so that you will acomplish the goals in order to improve your reading and writing skills.
Keep in mind that is an exercise and we are all learning, to take into account that you will find mistakes and you are supposed to be polite to comunicate them.

c) I had aswell many mistakes and I had to realize that is a very useful part of the english learning process. Take it to do it better next time.
I also think is nice to receive the corrections from the classmates and not just from the teacher, and is nice that we had a random order to review...

For me, is great to learn by looking for mistakes in the readings. If the reading was always our reading, it could be boring but is clearly enjoyable read what someone else has written.

Natalia Henao said...
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Natalia Henao said...

Oh my dear Yura I ♥ you too much because you're talking about me in your comment and it sounds good thanks!!! jajaja

ok First, It wasn't complicated to me read, comment and review my classmate's paper because she was a person that I know and the thing wasn't change all the paper, or to make that she thinks different!!
Well, I accept, it was a little difficult because I don't a native person but with my little knowledge I tried to find mistakes or the things that the teacher wanted!!!!! :D
I had to review her paper and try to find mistakes, maybe missing words, or mistakes of introduccion, developing, conclusion or organization etc.... The idea was try to improve, to give a constructive criticism, learning that we aren't the same so everybody thinks different, and the most important, to find mistakes that usually we make and don't make them again.

I think that the next time I'll try to do a better work, using words more complex, synonyms, phrasal verbs, idioms that improve my writting.

Vico said me beautiful things and made me to realize little mistakes that I know but sometimes I forget..... or ideas that I didn't organize. She helped me to find my own mistakes and I appreciate it a lot!!!

thanks teacher because I don't only spend my neurons doing the work, I learned so much about myself and my classmates!!! ♥

Julian's English III Writing Project said...

Well, for me was quite easy because my peer didn't make a million mistakes, just a few, so no problem with that.
I learnt how to regcognize other people's mistakes but most important my own mistakes.
This an excelent way to share knowledge and to help your friends to improve the skills they already have, so let's keep working as hard as we can and we'll go far in our learning.

Ricardo Muñoz said...

I didn't do a critique, I mean, I'm thankful with him because he lets me know his opinion about the friends, and I respect that.

I was reviewing several times looking forward find mistakes, however I had some doubts about how is better expressed the idea that he has in his mind because he did do some literal traductions from spanish to english.

I had some doubts, no more.

I've learnt Iron maiden is so good and making a review for looking for mistake is difficult, this makes me thinkback when I was in Colegio mayor and "that people" makes mistakes that now still they are present.

Miss Valenzuela had some problems to comment my essay, but it was got over, I have to leave out expressions in a Essay, it looked like as if was writted by algún gamín.

My head ins't here, afterwards maybe i comment more.

The learning process is humming. I have to practice more with my Vocabulario extraño because I don't know very well its use, i mean, which context in.

the angel, still smiling, judges me with its eyes.

laura bibiana said...

I really was very complicated to do the correctin of the eesay of my classmate because I don have the experience sufficient to evaluate this kaind the exercise. But I put all my interest in correct it. when I review the essay this was easy to undestand and also the comprehension.

I learn some tecniques for the grammar and to `do the organization the ideas , and I learn how reconize the mistakes.

I learn that the next time, I need to be better and to have careful when i writting something. and that everybody we are human beings and sometimes commitn error but is good to have someone that can correct us.

Anonymous said...

It was a great opportunity to learn more and more about English.

A)At the beginning it was a little difficult because I thought that my mate would be upset for my corrections also I had never been in this position of teacher, but I think it was a great experience for improving my English.
To read Carolina's essay wasn't too difficult like I thought because as we all know Carolina is very intelligent and she has a high level in the class and of course she writes very well. I think the lack of punctuation was the principal mistake.

B)I learned to use words more sophisticated not regular English, the next time I will write connecting ideas more clearly, I will be thinking in use all the things together: punctuation, connectors, grammar, synonyms, organization, cohesion and all the factors that affect a good writing.
It won't be easy but to see the Caro's essay I know it can be reality.

C)I couldn’t know my mistakes, perhaps my partner couldn’t publish on my blog, but I believe were many. However I think the Caro’s essay helped me to detect them.

Bye!!! happy weekend

RODRIGO said...

a) It was a little difficult; first, I didn't feel able to correct my classmate's paper, because I think that my English level isn't pretty good.
Also, I though, how could I be careful with my revision? becouse my classmate is my friend too, and I didn't wanna made him to feel sad with the mistakes that he did.

b) Following the first point, I learned or understood, that separate the friendship from the English Learning Process, It's very important, because in this process is always necessary the correction between classmates.
Also, it’s necessary to review the English grammar every time.
To know about different points of view or to understand how my classmates write, It’s a good manner for improving my learning process.
c) In conclusion, It’s very important to learn too, from my classmates ‘revision , They can help me to keep in mind about my classmates, to correct them and advance in the English Learning Process.

diego said...

I think that all the mediums justify their intentions if we can warn their purposes, but if I can use the poison to cure the illness equally, we can use the criticism to positive purpose. I think the criticism stand out the errors from something, we would improve them ,only if we aware of them. I don’t feel guilty of do it I follow a good purpose.
I learned to be more critical of my observations.
Sometimes we need a good advise, a guide that can help us to the mud that block our step. The existence human hide under his appearance all the trusts that the man discover through his errors.

Gigi's Project said...

well, i think that i wasn't problem or difficult when i started to read the vico's essay, i thought in the teacher's advice that we shouldn't think in our relationship and finding the mistakes, so i felt so comfortable because i thought only in my job in that moment.

This process was amazing becuase i feel to learned about the mistakes that i found, besides it stayed recordes in my mind and im sure that i remembered it in another essay which i have to write again.

I learned about my mistakes in wich my classmate could find because when i read it with the recommendations i was agree and it's a good excercise for us discover our mistakes, so i will learn everyday :)

Carula said...

How difficult was it for you to critique your classmate’s paper?

i can say ,it wasnt difficult for me because it is an excercise ;the deal is to learn of this experience.
it is simple,Correcting the posible mistakes of your classmate you are practicing to become a better writer

)What did you learn from the process you followed to review the paper?

it is motivating to find such a good level in my class ,Camilo wrote in a quite interesting way,the ideas that he managed were located in logical sequence in spite of the mistakes i think he had

What did you learn from your classmate’s revision of your own paper?

rarely a classmate corrects your homework, but when it happens you realize the importance of share knowledge with people you are sourrounded the most of your university time .... i liked it .. lets repeat the game :P

cristian said...

well--- it was not so difficult because i know one thing ,, i have to understand my friend's point of view, so it was clear what he was trying to express, actually i really liked it and it is a great exercise in that way we learn more about our friends and what they have in their minds..

what did i learn from the process that i followed to review the paper..well i learn some ways to say things i wanted to say, but i didn't know how, so the process it's a great methodology to clarify every single idea inside my head.


first of all i learned his perception about what friendship is and what does he think about the behave and psico-charateristics that a good friend should have. so i learned that from him, just his opinion about the subjet we shared. i learned so words i didn't know how to use it . but it was cool reading his ideas-


jonhdrocks said...

How difficult was it for you to critique your classmate’s paper? b) What did you learn from the process you followed to review the paper? c) What did you learn from your classmate’s revision of your own paper?

First, I want to say that each comment is interesting and important; the main is that the students get interest in the development of the assigments and in the improving of the English skils.

I think that wasn´t difficult to review and critique the paper because I understood what she wanted to mean. It´s sure that she made some mistakes, like the others students and me. She had some failures that were easy to find; but for me, the main idea that she wanted to mean was clear, and if you can understand what the other want to express is very important. It´s sure that keeping on the practice we´ll improve the English skils.

I learned to take care about thoughts of the others, mainly about a female comment. I also learned in how differents are the writing styles and how each person organize their ideas and the different vocabulary that is used.

I respect each critical that was made about my essay; I heed to tips and comments about it, but provided the critical would be constructive and with respect.

The most important for me, is that between us get help each other; making realize the mistakes and correct the wrong issues.

writing project yenny said...


I think all this process was difficult for me, and when I confronted the paper from my clasmate, first, I found many; mistakes which made me to think and to reflect about my own mistakes which I think were many, but at the same time I understood the differences between each learning process; for example, the paper from my clasmate had mistakes overall in grammar(tense handle,puntation and word order). Superficially I can see many things but I can`t know which was the intention from this person for writing the paper, to find it was the most complicated.


I heeded many things; first, I learned to organize my ideas, after I red carefully the paper
and I found the mistakes acording to my knowledge, and I began to detail which would be the cause from this mistake and at the same time what would be the solution. I learned how to acquire and to build knowledge by myself from the mistakes of the others.


First, I give thanks to my dear clasmate for his suggestions and his advices, he makes me to remember every day my mistakes; that is important for me and my process; though he makes it just to argue about. What he doesn`t know is that I have learned many things about preceding quarrels. Apart I learned that I don`t have to write in English what I think in Spanish.

Thanks my dear demon, you have taught me many things!!!!!!!!

English class Saint Catherine Labouré said...

a) How difficult was it for you to critique your classmate’s paper? well, I believed that I didn't find any mistake my classmate's paper, but I found some little mistakes.
the first time, I read the paper and I thought that I wouldn't find anything.
the second time I read slowly and I can see his mistakes.
HAT DID YOU LEARN FROM THE PROCESS YOU FOLLOWED TO REVIEW THE PAPER? there are many facts, we must see very well, because I don't know more than my classmate and sometime we see mistakes where there isn't any.
I couldn't learn anything, because my classmate never accepted my invitation,so I didn't know my mistakes.