Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Problems when Writing

Foreign Language Students face many problems when learning a foreign language. As you are learning to write in English, what problems have you identified to express your ideas? What solutions have you tried in order to solve these problems?


Ricardo Muñoz said...

ah, for my sometimes I try to express "exactly" as in spanish, for example I wanna say "Me comí esa torta porque sí" and I say " I ate that cake because yes", now with that "because yes" I think it's wrong and it can be remplaced by "for the heck of it"(I guess), at first times I tried to do this as a translation of words.

other posibility is lack of vocabulary, you knw, "borrow or lend?"

Solutions... (?)

with practice and relying on someone who has experience, for exmaple our T-shirt.

I'll say something else when I don't have the head spacing out.

cristian said...

well sometimes i just get crazy when i don't have anything to say or write in my mind. it makes me really stressed but i'm going to learn each day to improve everything about comunication just to be the best speaking. hey prof hope u get better!

Dianis said...

When I'm writing a Essay, I want express many things, but I don't have the exact words for express my idea, so I have use the commun vocabulary but really I want say more things.

A solution is begin to learn one quantity the words day to day this way We could get more vocabulary and express really our point of view.

Gigi's Project said...

Well, when im gonna write in English i try that my sentences, phrases or paragraphs are a structure in english but i feel lacking a lot of vocabulary...and i think that the most of the time i talk as in spanish.

the solutions could be reading's structures and vocabulary learn, to study everyday for instance ; listening, reading and writing because i learn wrinting.

Regards :)

Anonymous said...



writing project yenny said...

for me to write can be something which have to go together with to read. because if I read, Ilearn a lot of vocabulary and to know vocabulary it makes me to write very easy.

the best solution for me!
to read, to read and to read....

English class Saint Catherine Labouré said...

many problems about the pronuntiation, don't help us to go ahead........ when i want to say something in english, i always stop, because i can't link the words in my mind...... i'm thinking one thing but i can't write it,,,,, if i don't know new words, obviously i wont able to express my ideas....

Carula said...

Expressions, adverbs, prepositions , phrasal verbs and vocabulary are neccesary when you are writing ; thats why its neccesary to learn new words and , listen to music or develope an habit of speaking in English.
On the Other hand i think its important to manage grammar, sintax, coherence and cohesion rules becuase it can facilitate the writing of a good text

Camilo Restrepo said...

When I am trying to write a long text I feel very tied because looks like I can just write short sentences but not a big paragraph which makes sense. Because the way we usually learn the english: with short sentences expressing little ideas to comunicate. And I would do it better if I had more vocabulary, sometimes it looks repeated because I don´t use more words...
The way for me to improve this process is read, a lot. And try to learn new vocabulary everyday...

laura bibiana said...

The problems that I identified when I tried express my ideas in English is that I can not to faind a lot of words for to write, and olso I can not organize the words.Because I think in spanish and this is not good.I think that the phrasal verbs is so important for to write good in English and olso the prepositions.

Natalia Henao said...

The most important thing when you want to write is to choose a topic and to have arguments to develop it.... but when you have it and you want to write and say a lot of things and you don't know how.... who can help you???? nobody!!! the only option that you have is to re organized the ideas that you have and to try writing.... so whereas the next time arrives you can learn more vocabulary with readings, listenings and stop to translate ideas from spanish to english..... only think in english!!!! XD

Julian's English III Writing Project said...

Well, when I'm writting, I think one of the problems is the translation from spanish to English in the same way we do it in Spanish and another problem is the lack of vocabulary. Solutions, just Practice, practice and practice.

jonhdrocks said...

I have to battle with several problems to make a good writting task.
First, when I got an idea, I can´t to express it in the order that I would like, then I lose my original one.
Other problem is that I don´t have the sufficient vocabilary to write a good essay or a good comment.
To finish, I have to improve the correct way to do it; in how to keep a clear idea about what I´m saying, holding the proper form in the sense of main clause and subordinate clause issues.
Neverthless, I´m always searching how to make academic issues well.

RODRIGO said...

I have a lot of problems for writing: the lack of vocabulary, not understand some grammar rules and how express the ideas with the correct words.
it`s difficult, but not impossible I can learn vocabulary and grammar easily, studing with dedication, searching new words and memorizing
them, for that, I must read a lot about, for example, topics that I like, and trying to understand the sens of this readings, is a good way for learn.

diegomorillo said...

I have the habit of thinking every word I write and I can not avoid the constant thoughts going through my mind,I hate writing nonsense,I tolerate fast reading but fast writing is something that I disagree

writing project yenny said...

ohhhh what difficult is all that!!!
but that is the point my friends, we have a big work, the important is take it easy and to improve every day....

edinson eduado pabon said...

hi there¡ first of all, I`d like to say that this kind of exercice help me to improve the learning of english in different ways,for example at the momment of writing I need to find the correct words, or at least the ones I`m going to use to express my own ideas, moreover I have to spell them correctly what push me to focus my mind when writing, in fact, it is something I find a bit tough because of the lack of new vocabulary. Actually I haven`t done anything helpfull to overcome this problem, but I guess that read more about whathever could help me to handle this.

Ricardo Muñoz said...

also there are verbs which have prepositions, such as "on", "at" and these ******** that to us it's the same thing, you knoow.

like "I look at a man burning in fire" and "I'm counting on you"

expresions too, such as

"to drive your nuts", and so on...

Dianis said...

For me the main problem is that I don't have many vocabulary so is very difficult for me write, when I want to write or express my idea I feel that I can't Because I cannot express everything what I want to say because I do not find the correct words to say it. Structures is very important when we'are learn to write in other languages, because many times for example I feel confuse with something that in the Spanish y very different that in english, so many times we do sentences without sense or none coherence.