Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Facing your Writing Assignments as Problems to Solve

When you face a writing assignment, you probably think of doing your best. Thus, what do you do when you get a prompt to write an essay? How about when you have to respond to a question based on a reading you have done? How do you guarantee that your answer will properly address the question or prompt? Write your thoughts and ideas including details and examples to support your response.


cristian said...

when i get a prompt to write my essay i just post all the ideas i got in my head in something i don't want to forget them, so i just try to explain what do all ideas mean to myself, after i start typing every word flowing out my head. examples are a good help to make ideas clear.
when an answer is required about something i've had to read, well the best way to give good information is to read and learn by heart the good statements and each mean idea in the reading. and if i have to talk good pronounciation, always learning new words and how they sound.

cristian said...

i forgot last question. how do i guareantee that my answer is going to address the question? well the information got to be clear and show what the questions are reffering to, so if someone ask me ...which is the white rabbit's color? i can't say blue or gray sometimes the answer is located into the question.

Vico said...

Well, when I have to write an essay firstly I write what i feel and think about the assignment because, for me is really important that some people read my thoughts and maybe at the same time shows interest for those and they can see also my progress, so when I have to write and essay I always try to do my best too, also when I have to answer a question of a reading that I have done, sometimes I have doubts about my answer because maybe I have had to check a few times the reading but always i want to do my best, sometimes like the question of "Pulpit Talks" I have a doubt if my answer will be properly adress the question, but when I have to do this kind of works I always answered with arguments that explain my thoughs and support them even if I make a mistake.

Camilo Restrepo said...

The first thing I try to do while I am writing is express my own idea of the reading or the answer, but of course it sometimes is not enought (many times) or is not the answer I am being asked.
So that I try to find the main point in the information given and starting from it make a structure that fits to the question, that structure is always writen with my words, that`s why I think I am repetitive, at least with the vocabulary.
Try to be sincere with the answer helps a lot, it makes me feel confortable and even if I don`t know many things about the theme I can state how I see it.
Basically I create the structure to finish with my tesis and work around it.

Natalia Henao said...

When I have a lot of time to write an essay I used to read before all the things that I can, to get information. But in cases like that The first think that I do is to think about the answers and the topics that I am going to talk. If I know it I can write it; I write all the ideas, I organize the arguments the paragraphs and finally I review all the essay.
It's different when I have to respond a question based on a reading because I have to make the reading all the times that I need to understand it perfectly. So I can answer the question with the information that I have in my mind or what I understood.
I can't guarantee that I'll answer properly the question or prompt but I try to do it, to talk about the topic and to explain with things that I know and could argue the essay. ♥

Dianis said...

When I have to write an essay I think that I have to give the better of myself, because I have to apply my vocabulary and structures that I have learned in my english's class, my guarantees are try to do my essays with the vocabulary worked in class and I try to express my ideas, but many times I'am wrong because I write like Spanglish and when the teacher going to review the papers I have many errors because I expressed muy ideas like if I was to thinking in my languages, so it has very difficults or I don't found the corrects words for express my ideas, so I have to confine to express only some words but I can't said really what I want to say. For example: when the teacher do that others partners review our essays and papers they found errors that we as writers can't see, and when they give us our corrections, for exemple me said: It really was easy, how could I make these mistakes.

Julian's English III Writing Project said...

First at all I think about the question or writing assignment, I analize what`s been requested and I organize in my mind the ideas I want to express , so I write them down. When is a question based on a reading, I check the reading again but in a fast way to see the main ideas of the reading and this way I can give a better answer to the question. Finally, I really don`t know if my aswer is properly address or not, I just simply do my best and that could be fine, but maybe the teacher wants something different, so, I don`t know.

Yurany's Group said...

Ok...when I write a essay I try to use all my backgrounds about the English Grammar, Texts in English, Obviously I can't ensure that all those backgrounds are correct so when I have a douth I resort to my last notebooks, my English books, my last techers or my classmates; sometimes I feel sure that my writing assignments have a good grammar so I don't have necessity to resort my classates or other people; But other times I have problems with the organization of mi ideas and the developent of mt writing become confuse for that it's necessary to resort to the teacher or my books.

English class Saint Catherine Labouré said...

When you face a writing assignment, you probably think of doing your best. Thus, what do you do when you get a prompt to write an essay? How about when you have to respond to a question based on a reading you have done? How do you guarantee that your answer will properly address the question or prompt?

sometimes there are readings complicate for understanding,because they have many new words, for you understand them you have to know these words, the other way you wont understan the reading, when I have to write about an essay, I try to obtain a main ideas so, after I develop them.I have to think so much.......
i think that my answer were be guarantee, I must have reasons and supports for my answers in this way the readers can understand my essay.

laura bibiana said...

When i write my essay i put so many carefull when i write and i try to answer according to the questions that i have, and olso i put oll my best ideas and oll my arguments for to get the best answer. of course that firts for to get a good writing is necessary to read about the theme that we are dealing with, and after you can answer very good. My guarantee when i do the answwer is that i put oll my ideas according to the questions.

Ricardo Muñoz said...


well, i look at internet if i find something to initiate, because I need several point of views from several people, it depends on the prompt.

I don´t know why some questions have to get involved with the own culture, for example that lecture that you gave us another day which says about a nigger learning how writting and reading, and that one which is about another nigger which is a preacher, what do i needa know that for?.

I read carefully the question, as for the several point that i check i can conclude something to respond the questions with some of ethical thing.

of course i have my notebook with familiar expressions that you even imagined that existed, it is for supporting me when i have to make a essay.

I´m not used to this kind of things, so I don`t guarantee anything, to me it depends on the text because I hardly like something.

I´ll say something else when i have my head .

jonhdrocks said...

When you face a writing assignment, you probably think of doing your best. Thus, what do you do when you get a prompt to write an essay? How about when you have to respond to a question based on a reading you have done? How do you guarantee that your answer will properly address the question or prompt? Write your thoughts and ideas including details and examples to support your response.

It is to difficult to me to give an objective opinion about the developing of writing tasks, because it depends the topic, the place that you are making the task and if the writing has to be developed in a certain given time.

Obviously, it is easier to explain a topic that you like, and it will be better if you have enough time to do it and develop your ideas accurately.

I know that it will not be the same in all cases. You have to do your best and be able to explain what you made.

RODRIGO said...

When i get a prompt to write an essay, i feel worried because the time is over and i cannot organize my ideas, i take a lot of time for writing something in english, i doubt a lot about how can write my essay.

diegomorillo said...

i just try to write what i want to say, but its very difficul for me write faster when i dont have a clear idea in my mind, i cant write anything without previous meditation.

edinson eduado pabon said...

well, i would like to say that the most difficult part when developing ideas about any subjet, is the way proffesor pushes me in meanings of time so I have to answer as fast as I can, then I understand that it`s a kind of trining, but talking about workiing under pressure it`s something I have to overcome because due to this I forget some expressions and I can`t focus in what I`m writing about.

writing project yenny said...

when i write an essay first i do a reflection about the topic, i organize the ideas in my brain and i start to write every things that i think and, i feel by myself, then i do a short analyses about i wrote and as it can be useful for the people who read what i describe from my own thought.

Anonymous said...

The truth when I have to write an essay I try to reflect on the question to give the best explanations, sometimes for me it is so difficult because the question isn't clear o maybe I don't know what is best manner to express my ideas or thoughts. Also I think to write an essay is very complicated for the structure and the paragraphs position and other things like these.

When I have to answer a question based on reading I try to read many times to understand the reading very well, so I am going to keep my mind out of doubts about the reading's topic. For me is very important read the question too because the question many times can you mix with other things which are not important in this moment.

The thing is that in my case is very difficult guarantee that my answer will be always in address to the question because when I am writing sometimes I lost the principal idea or the question. So I try to give the best but I don't know if this to be always correct.

Thanks a lot.!!!
I am so sorry for being the last person to publish this.